magnesium powder related to indian steel industry

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Why do our magnesium powder machines sell well, especially to India?

来源:Puyang Mingli
更新时间:2024-09-24 11:44:52

Why do our magnesium powder machines sell well, especially to India?

Magnesium powder is the main raw material for desulfurization of steelmaking, of which 0.4-0.5 kg of magnesium grains are consumed for every 1 ton of steel produced. It can be seen that the steel industry is good or bad on the magnesium powder market is a decisive impact. India has been a high producer of steel for the past three years, with output breaking 100 million tons every year, and is already the world's second-largest steel producer.

Indian steel development conditions

From the point of view of the raw materials required for the development of the steel industry, India has rich reserves of coal and iron ore resources. In particular, the total reserves of iron ore more than 22 billion tons, ranking sixth in the world, and the ore grade is high, more than 70% of the hematite. Iron ore of this grade is used directly in blast furnaces in the form of lump ore, sinter ore or pellets.

Status of steel production in India

Since Modi came to power in 2014, India has been engaged in infrastructure and real estate, and the demand for steel has risen sharply. in 2013, India's annual steel consumption was more than 73 million tons, and by the end of 2023, the annual steel consumption will have exceeded 120 million tons. It is one of the fastest growing economies in the world in terms of steel consumption. At the moment, India is in the midst of a construction boom, actively seeking to modernize its road and rail networks and ports, and is expected to raise its annual steel consumption to more than 200 million tons by 2030.

Steel Authority of India Inc.'s steel production in 2023 amounted to more than 19 million tons. This year, the Steel Authority of India announced that it will spend $4.3 billion to build another plant within the original steel plant site in Bornpur, West Bengal, India, with a planned annual capacity of 4 million tons, which will be based on the production of hot rolled coils and cold rolled coils, and is expected to be completed and put into operation in 2029.

Tata Steel and Jingdele Southwest Steel are two of the largest steel private companies in India. 2023, Tata Steel set a record for the highest annual crude steel production of 20.8 million tons; Jingdele Southwest Steel's production reached 26.15 million tons, ranked 12th in the global rankings.